Source code for

"""GigaAnalysis - Fitting - :mod:``

This module contains the :class:`Fit_result` class which is used for fitting 
functions to the GigaAnalysis Data objects. It also contains some common 
expressions that are needed as well as functions that fit a Data class with 

from .data import *
from . import mfunc

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit as sp_curve_fit  # For curve_fit and
# curve_fit_y

[docs]class Fit_result(): """This class is to hold the results of the fits on data objects. Parameters ---------- func : function The function used in the fitting. popt : numpy.ndarray The optimum values for the parameters. pcov : numpy.ndarray The estimated covariance. results : Data The optimal values obtained from the fit, will be none if `full`=`False` when performing the fit. residuals : Data The residuals of the fit, will be none if `full`=`False` when performing the fit. Attributes ---------- func : function The function used in the fitting. popt : numpy.ndarray The optimum values for the parameters. pcov : numpy.ndarray The estimated covariance. pstd : numpy.ndarray The estimated standard deviation results : The optimal values obtained from the fit, will be none if `full`=`False` when performing the fit. residuals : The residuals of the fit, will be none if `full`=`False` when performing the fit. """ def __init__(self, func, popt, pcov, results, residuals): """The __init__ method to produce the fit_result class The point of this class is to store the results from a gigaanalysis fit so the arguments are the same as the attributes. """ self.func = func self.popt = popt self.pcov = pcov self.pstd = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) self.results = results self.residuals = residuals def __str__(self): return np.array2string(self.popt) def __repr__(self): return 'GA fit results:{}'.format(self.popt) def _repr_html_(self): return 'GA fit results:{}'.format(self.popt) def __dir__(self): return ['func', 'popt', 'pcov', 'pstd', 'results', 'residuals', 'predict', 'sample_parameters'] def __len__(self): return self.popt.size
[docs] def predict(self, x_vals): """This takes a value or an array of x_values and calculates the predicated y_vales. Parameters ---------- x_vals : numpy.ndarray An array of x_vales. Returns ------- y_vals : Data An Data object with the predicted y_values. """ if isinstance(x_vals, (float, int, np.float_, np.int_)): x_vals = np.array([x_vals]) return Data(x_vals, self.func(x_vals, *self.popt))
[docs] def sample_parameters(self, size, **kwargs): """This samples values of the parameters from a multivariate normal distribution using the fitted values and variance. This uses the function :func:`numpy.random.multivariate_normal` and keyword arguments are passed to it. Parameters ---------- size : int The number of samples to return. (More complicated behaviour is possible, see: :func:`numpy.random.multivariate_normal`) Returns ------- samples : numpy.ndarray A numpy array in the shape `(s, n)` where `s` is the number of samples and `n` is the number of parameters. """ return np.random.multivariate_normal(self.popt, self.pcov, size, **kwargs)
[docs]def curve_fit(data, func, p0, full=True, **kwargs): """Fit curves to Data objects with functions that produce Data objects. This is an implementation of :func:`scipy.optimize.curve_fit` for acting on :class:`.Data` objects. This performs a least squares fit to the data of a function. Parameters ---------- data : Data The data to perform the fit on. func : function The model function to fit. It must take the x values as the first argument and the parameters to fit as separate remaining arguments. It must also return a :class:`.Data` object. p0 : numpy.ndarray Initial guess for the parameters. Is passed to :func:`scipy.optimize.curve_fit` included so it can be addressed positionally. full : bool, optional If `True`, `fit_result` will include residuals, and if `False` they will not be calculated and only results included. kwargs : Keyword arguments are passed to :func:`scipy.optimize.curve_fit`. Returns ------- fit_result : Fit_result A GigaAnalysis Fit_result object containing the results. """ if not isinstance(data, Data): raise TypeError( f"data need to be a Data object but instead was {type(data)}.") try: func_out = func(data.x, *p0) assert isinstance(func_out, Data) except: raise TypeError( f"The func parameter needs to take a function that receives " f"an array of x values and the arguments in p0 and returns " f"a Data object. This was not what was given.") def func_y(x_data, *p0): return func(x_data, *p0).y popt, pcov = sp_curve_fit(func_y, data.x, data.y, p0=p0, **kwargs) if full: results = func(data.x, *popt) residuals = data - results else: results, residuals = None, None return Fit_result(func_y, popt, pcov, results, residuals)
[docs]def curve_fit_y(data, func, p0=None, full=True, **kwargs): """Fit curves to Data objects with functions that produce y values. This is an implementation of :func:`scipy.optimize.curve_fit` for acting on :class:`.Data` objects. This performs a least squares fit to the data of a function. Parameters ---------- data : Data The data to perform the fit on. func : function The model function to fit. It must take the x values as the first argument and the parameters to fit as separate remaining arguments. p0 : numpy.ndarray, optional Initial guess for the parameters. Is passed to :func:`scipy.optimize.curve_fit` included so it can be addressed positionally. If `None` unity will be used for every parameter. full : bool, optional If `True`, `fit_result` will include residuals, and if `False` they will not be calculated and only results included. kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to :func:`scipy.optimize.curve_fit`. Returns ------- fit_result : Fit_result A GigaAnalysis Fit_result object containing the results. """ if not isinstance(data, Data): raise TypeError( f"data need to be a Data object but instead was {type(data)}.") popt, pcov = sp_curve_fit(func, data.x, data.y, p0=p0, **kwargs) if full: results = Data(data.x, func(data.x, *popt)) residuals = data - results else: results, residuals = None, None return Fit_result(func, popt, pcov, results, residuals)
[docs]def poly_fit(data, order, full=True): """Fit a polynomial of a certain order to a given data set. It uses :func:`numpy.polyfit` for the fitting. The function which is to produce the data is :func:`.mfunc.make_poly`. Parameters ---------- data : Data The data set to perform the fit on. order : int The order of the polynomial. full : bool, optional If True fit_result will include residuals if False they will not be calculated and only results included. Returns ------- fit_result : Fit_result A GigaAnalysis Fit_result object containing the results where the fit parameters are the coefficients of the polynomial. Follows the form of :func:``. """ if not isinstance(data, Data): raise TypeError( f"data need to be a Data object but instead was {type(data)}.") if len(data) > order + 1: popt, pcov = np.polyfit(data.x, data.y, order, cov=True) elif len(data) == order + 1: popt = np.polyfit(data.x, data.y, order, cov=False) pcov = np.full((order+1, order+1), np.nan) else: raise ValueError( f"The order of the polynomial needs to be more than 2 larger " f"than the number of data points. There are {len(data)} points " f"and is fitting a polynomial of order {order}.") func = lambda *args: mfunc.make_poly(*args, as_Data=False) if full: results = mfunc.make_poly(data.x, *popt) residuals = data - results else: results, residuals = None, None return Fit_result(func, popt, pcov, results, residuals)
[docs]def sin_fit(data, p0=None, offset=False, full=True, **kwargs): """Fits a sinusoid to a given Data object. This uses :func:`mfunc.make_sin` and has the option to either include an offset from zero or not to. It then uses :func:`curve_fit_y` that makes use of :func:`scipy.optermize.curve_fit` which `kwargs` are passed to. Parameters ---------- data : Data The Data to fit the sinusoid to. p0 : numpy.ndarray, optional The initial values to begin the optimisation from. These are in order, the amplitude of the sin, the wavelength, the phase, and if included the offset from zero. offset : bool, optional If `True` an offset from zero is also included in the fit. The default is `False`. full : bool, optional If `True`, which is the default, the results and residuals are included in the returned :class:`Fit_result`. kwargs : The keyword arguments are passed to :func:`scipy.optermize.curve_fit`. Returns ------- fit_result, Fit_result A GigaAnalysis Fit_result object containing the results where the fit parameters are same as specified in :func:`.mfunc.make_sin`. """ if not isinstance(data, Data): raise TypeError( f"data need to be a Data object but instead was {type(data)}.") if p0 is None: pass elif len(p0) != 3 and not offset: raise ValueError( f"There are 3 variables if offset is False and {len(p0)} were " f"given in p0.") elif len(p0) != 4 and offset: raise ValueError( f"There are 4 variables if offset is True and {len(p0)} were " f"given in p0.") if offset: func = lambda x_data, amp, wl, phase, offset: mfunc.make_sin( x_data, amp, wl, phase, offset, as_Data=False) else: func = lambda x_data, amp, wl, phase: mfunc.make_sin( x_data, amp, wl, phase, as_Data=False) return curve_fit_y(data, func, p0=p0, full=full, **kwargs)
[docs]def gaussian_fit(data, p0=None, offset=False, full=True, **kwargs): """Fits a Gaussian to a given Data object. This uses :func:`mfunc.make_gaussian` and has the option to either include an offset from zero or not to. It then uses :func:`curve_fit_y` that makes use of :func:`scipy.optermize.curve_fit` which `kwargs` are passed to. Parameters ---------- data : Data The Data to fit the sinusoid to. p0 : numpy.ndarray, optional The initial values to begin the optimisation from. These are in order, the amplitude of the Gaussian, the central point, the standard deviation, and if included the offset from zero. offset : bool, optional If `True` an offset from zero is also included in the fit. The default is `False`. full : bool, optional If `True`, which is the default, the results and residuals are included in the returned :class:`Fit_result`. kwargs : The keyword arguments are passed to :func:`scipy.optermize.curve_fit`. Returns ------- fit_result, Fit_result A GigaAnalysis Fit_result object containing the results where the fit parameters are same as specified in :func:`.mfunc.make_gaussian`. """ if not isinstance(data, Data): raise TypeError( f"data need to be a Data object but instead was {type(data)}.") if p0 is None: pass elif len(p0) != 3 and not offset: raise ValueError( f"There are 3 variables if offset is False and {len(p0)} were " f"given in p0.") elif len(p0) != 4 and offset: raise ValueError( f"There are 4 variables if offset is True and {len(p0)} were " f"given in p0.") if offset: func = lambda x_data, amp, mean, std, offset: mfunc.make_gaussian( x_data, amp, mean, std, offset, as_Data=False) else: func = lambda x_data, amp, mean, std: mfunc.make_gaussian( x_data, amp, mean, std, as_Data=False) return curve_fit_y(data, func, p0=p0, full=full, **kwargs)