Source code for gigaanalysis.dset

"""GigaAnalysis - Data Set Management - :mod:`gigaanalysis.dset`

This module has functions to save nested dictionaries with :class:`Data` 
objects as the values. It provides the functionality to save and read from 
HDF5 files using `h5py <>`_ and also .csv files. It 
also can create and use :class:`pandas.DataFrame` to store and display 
associated meta data.


from .data import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import h5py  # For interacting with HDF5 files

[docs]def check_set(data_set, meta_df=None, higher_key=()): """Checks the data_set and metadata data frame is the correct from. This goes through the nested dictionaries and checks that the values contained are either :class:`dict` or :class:`` objects. If objects other than these are found errors are thrown. The metadata dictionary ``meta_df`` is checked that every :class:`Data` has a row that is describing it in the ``meta_df``. Parameters ---------- data_set : dict of {str: dict or Data} A dictionary containing either nested dictionaries or :class:`` objects. meta_df : pandas.DataFrame Metadata held in a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` where the indexes are a the keys of ``data_set`` and the columns provide information about the :class:`Data` objects. For nested dictionaries hierarchical indexing is used (:class:`pandas.MultiIndex`). higher_key : tuple, optional Tuple with keys in used for the regression to start in a nested dictionary. Returns ------- count : int The number of layers of the data_set. """ if not isinstance(data_set, dict): raise TypeError( f"data_set was not a dict but instead a {type(data_set)}.") for key, val in data_set.items(): new_key = (*higher_key, key) if isinstance(val, dict): count = 1 + check_set(val, meta_df, new_key) elif not isinstance(val, Data): raise TypeError( f"The dictioaries contain objects which are " f"not dictionaires or Data objects. The object in " f"key:{new_key}, was a {type(val)}.") elif meta_df is not None: count = 1 if isinstance(new_key, tuple) and len(new_key) == 1: new_key = new_key[0] if new_key not in meta_df.index: raise ValueError( f"The meta DataFrame given did not have items " f"which where in the data_set. The key missing " f"was: {new_key}.") else: count = 1 return count
def __label_hdf5_as_ga_set(file, location): """Add a attribute to a hdf5 group called "ga_data_set" and create it if it doesn't exist. Parameters ---------- file : h5py.File A file object that references the `.hdf5` file where the data is being saved. location : str The location of the group to consider in the `.hdf5` file. """ if location not in file: file.create_group(location) file[location].attrs['ga_data_set'] = True def __set_attrs_from_df(dset, data, meta_df, key): """Sets the attributes of a :class:`h5py.Dataset` to hold the metadata. Used by :func:`set_to_hdf5`. Parameters ---------- dset : h5py.Dataset The dataset to set the attributes of. data : The data that is being saved to the dataset. meta_df : pandas.DataFrame or None Where the meta data is stored key : tuple The key that refers to the row in the matadata table """ if meta_df is not None: if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 1: key = key[0] attrs_to_set = dict(meta_df.loc[key].items()) else: attrs_to_set = dict() # set some values that should be in every metadata table attrs_to_set.update({ 'size':len(data), 'min_x':data.min_x() if len(data) != 0 else np.nan, 'max_x':data.max_x() if len(data) != 0 else np.nan, }) for prop, val in attrs_to_set.items(): if not pd.isnull(val): dset.attrs[prop] = val def __hdf5_set(file, data_set, meta_df, higher_key=(), location="/"): """Goes though a data_set and save the values to a :class:`h5py.File`. This is called in :func:`set_to_hdf5`. Parameters ---------- file : h5py.File A file object that references the HDF5 file where the data is being saved. data_set : dict of {str: dict or Data} A dictionary containing either nested dictionaries or :class:`` objects. meta_df : pandas.DataFrame Metadata held in a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` where the indexes are the keys of the `data_set` dict. higher_key : tuple, optional Tuple with keys in used for the regression to start in a nested dictionary. location : str, optional The location of the hdf5 Group to save the data to. """ for key, val in data_set.items(): # remove non allowed characters ' ' and '/' # and sort keys and locations key = str(key).replace(' ', '').replace('/', '') new_key = (*higher_key, key) new_loc = f"{location}{'/'.join(new_key)}" if isinstance(val, dict): # if dict in dict call self __label_hdf5_as_ga_set(file, new_loc) __hdf5_set(file, val, meta_df, new_key, location) elif not isinstance(val, Data): raise TypeError( f"The dictioaries contain objects which are " f"not dictionaires or Data objects. The object in " f"key:{new_key}, was a {type(val)}.") else: file.create_dataset(new_loc, data=val.values) __set_attrs_from_df( file[new_loc], val, meta_df, new_key)
[docs]def set_to_hdf5(data_set, file_name, meta_df=None, location="/", overwrite=False, info_attr=None): """This saves a data set to a HDF5 file. This saves a data set of made of nested :class:`dict` of :class:`` to a HDF5 file, using :class:`h5py.File`. This can also take a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing the associated meta_data. Parameters ---------- data_set : dict of {str: dict or Data} A dictionary containing either nested dictionaries or :class:`` objects. file_name : str The file name to save the HDF5 file with meta_df : pandas.DataFrame, optional Metadata held in a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` where the indexes are a the keys of the `data_set` dict and the columns provide information about the :class:`Data` objects. For nested dictionaries hierarchical indexing is used (:class:`pandas.MultiIndex`). location : str, optional The location of the HDF5 group to save the data to. The default is the root group. overwrite : bool, optional If the function should overwrite existing HDF5 file. The default is to not overwrite. info_attr : str, optional If a string is given this is set as an HDF5 attribute to group. This can hold a description of data if required. """ if location != "/": # In case the user forgets the "/" at the end if location[-1] != "/": location += "/" if not isinstance(data_set, dict): raise TypeError( f"data_set needs to be a dict but is a {type(data_set)}") if meta_df is not None: if not isinstance(meta_df, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError( f"meta_table needs to be a pandas.DataFrame but is " f"a {type(meta_df)}") check_set(data_set, meta_df) read_write = 'w' if overwrite else 'a' with h5py.File(file_name, read_write) as file: __label_hdf5_as_ga_set(file, location) __hdf5_set(file, data_set, meta_df, location=location) if isinstance(info_attr, str): file[location].attrs['info'] = info_attr
def __print_hdf5_group(group): """A recursive function to call used by :func:`print_hdf5`. Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group The HDF5 group to print. """ for val in group.values(): if isinstance(val, h5py.Group): print( f"{} - Group\n" f" {list(val.attrs.items())}") __print_hdf5_group(val) else: print( f"{} - Data Set\n" f" {list(val.attrs.items())}") def __read_hdf5_group(group, data_set, meta_df): """Build up a data set and metadata table recursively from a HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group The group to read in the HDF5 file. data_set : dict The dictionary to save the :class:`` in. meta_df : pandas.DataFrame A metadata table to fill with the attributes of the :class:`h5py.Dataset` in the group. Returns ------- data_set : dict The dictionary after it is populated. meta_df : pandas.DataFrame A metadata table after it is populated. """ try: assert group.attrs['ga_data_set'] except: raise ValueError( f"The groups given to extract gigaanalyis data from " f"did not have the tag ga_data_set in the location " f"{}.") for val in group.values(): this_key ='/')[-1] if isinstance(val, h5py.Group): data_set[this_key] = {} data_set[this_key], meta_df = __read_hdf5_group( val, data_set[this_key], meta_df) else: data_set[this_key] = Data(val[:]) new_row = pd.DataFrame( [dict(val.attrs.items())], index=[]) meta_df = meta_df.append(new_row) return data_set, meta_df def __count_layer(dict_to_check, count=0): """Counts the layers of :class:`dict` in a nested dictionary. This only counts the depth first item and assumes the rest is the same. Parameters ---------- dict_to_check : dict The dictionary to check how many layers of dictionaries are inside. count : int The count which is used recursively. """ count +=1 for val in dict_to_check.values(): if isinstance(val, dict): count = __count_layer(val, count) break return count def __reindex_meta(meta_df, layers): """Swaps the indexes in a table from HDF5 locations to multiindex tupels. Parameters ---------- meta_df : pandas.DataFrame The metadata table to reindex. layers : int The number of layers in the data set to use as an index. Returns ------- meta_df : pandas.DataFrame The metadata table with the new indexes. """ meta_df = meta_df.reset_index() capture = '/([^/]*)'*layers + '$' key_list = [f'key{x+1}' for x in range(layers)] meta_df[key_list] = meta_df['index'].str.extract(capture) meta_df = meta_df.drop('index', axis=1) meta_df = meta_df.set_index(key_list) return meta_df
[docs]def set_from_hdf5(file_name, location='/'): """Reads a HDF5 file and returns a dataset and a metadata table. This reads a HDF5 file using :class:`h5py.File`, and produces a dataset comprising of a nested :class:`dict` which contains :class:`` objects. The dataset is accompanied by a metadata table in the form of a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with the indexes are the same as the keys of the dictionaries. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The name of the HDF5 file to read. location : str, optional The location of the group in the HDF5 file which contains the dataset to be read. The default is the root group. Returns ------- data_set : dict of {str: dict or Data} A dictionary containing either nested dictionaries or :class:`` objects. meta_df : pandas.DataFrame, optional Metadata held in a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` where the indexes are a the keys of ``data_set`` and the columns provide information about the :class:`Data` objects. For nested dictionaries hierarchical indexing is used (:class:`pandas.MultiIndex`). """ data_set = {} meta_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'size', 'min_x', 'max_x']) with h5py.File(file_name, 'r') as file: data_set, meta_df = __read_hdf5_group( file[location], data_set, meta_df) meta_df = __reindex_meta( meta_df, __count_layer(data_set)) return data_set, meta_df
[docs]def array_to_hdf5(data, file_name, location, attributes=None, overwrite=False): """Saves a numpy array to a HDF5 file. This is for saving a plane :class:`numpy.ndarray` to a HDF5 using :class:`h5py.File`. This is meant to work in the same style as :func:`set_to_hdf5`. It also can save a set of attributes in the form of a dictionary. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray The data to save to the file in a numpy array. file_name : str The name of the HDF5 file to save the data to. location : str The location of the :class:`h5py.Dataset`, which is a string with the groups and the data set name separated by "/". attributes : dict of {str: val}, optional A dictionary of meta data to attach to the data set. The keys of the dictionary need to be `str`. Default is None and attaches no attributes to the data set. overwrite : bool, optional If default of `False` the existing file is not overwritten and is instead added to. This will throw an error if trying to save to a location of an already existing dataset. """ # Start with checking location specifier if not isinstance(location, np.str): raise TypeError( f"location needs to be a string but was a " f"{type(location)}") location = location.replace(" ", "") if location[-1] == "/": raise ValueError( "The location and the data set name need to spesified " "no data set name was given after the last '/'") if location[0] != "/": # Same if they spesify the root group location = "/" +location # Check the data is a correct kind of np.array if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( f"data needs to be a numpy array but is a {type(data)}") if data.dtype == 'O': raise TypeError( f"The array contained python object type values but " f"these cannot be saved to HDF5 files.") # Check the attributes are the correct type if attributes is not None: if not isinstance(attributes, dict): raise TypeError( f"attributes needs to be a dict but was type " f"{type(attributes)}") if not all(isinstance(key, np.str) for key in attributes.keys()): raise TypeError( f"The keys for the attributes need to be all strings") # Parse the location into groups and dset names locs = location.split('/') dset_name = locs[-1] if len(locs) == 2: group_name = None else: group_name = "/".join(locs[:-1]) # Open File read_write = 'w' if overwrite else 'a' with h5py.File(file_name, read_write) as file: if group_name is None: file.create_dataset(dset_name, data=data) dset = file[dset_name] elif group_name in file: file[group_name].create_dataset(dset_name, data=data) dset = file[group_name][dset_name] else: file.create_group(group_name) file[group_name].create_dataset(dset_name, data=data) dset = file[group_name][dset_name] if attributes is not None: for prop, val in attributes.items(): dset.attrs[prop] = val
[docs]def array_from_hdf5(file_name, location): """This reads a dataset in a HDF5 file to a numpy array. This function is to read the data saved using the :func:`array_to_hdf5`. It reads the data and the attributes using :class:`h5py.File` and returns the result. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The name of the HDF5 file to be read. location : str The location of the dataset with the groups and dataset name separated by "/". Returns ------- data : numpy.ndarray A numpy array containing the data in the data set. attributes: dict A dictionary containing the attributes of the data set that was read. If there was no attributes then the dictionary will be empty. """ if not isinstance(location, np.str): raise TypeError( f"location need to be a string but was a {type(location)}") if location[0] != "/": location = "/" + location with h5py.File(file_name, 'r') as file: if location not in file: raise ValueError( f"This is not a valid location of a data set.") if not isinstance(file[location], h5py.Dataset): raise ValueError( f"The spesified location is not a data set") data = file[location][:] attributes = dict(file[location].attrs.items()) return data, attributes
[docs]def sort_dset(dataset, apply_key=None, sort_key=None, check_data=True): """This sorts and formats the keys in a dataset. This is useful after loading a dataset from a HDF5 file, as keys that were floats will have been set to strings and then loaded by the leading digit. This function can apply a function to each key and then sort them. Parameters ---------- dataset : recursive dict of Data This is the dataset to sort which are nested dictionaries of Data objects. apply_key : function or list of function, optional This is a function that will be applied to the keys to reformat them before the are reordered. If a list is given then each function will be applied on each layer of the dataset in turn. If `None` then no function is applied. The default is `None`. sort_key : function or list of function, optional This is the key that is passed to `sorted` to sort the dataset based on its keys. If a list is given then each function will be applied to each layer of the dataset. If `None` then no key is passed and the default sorting behaviour is used. If the string 'pass' is given then no sorting is applied. The default is `None`. check_data : bool, optional Whether to check if the objects in the dict are :class:`Data` objects. The default is True. Returns ------- dataset : recursive dict of Data The dataset after the functions have been applied to the keys and the keys and then they have been sorted. """ if isinstance(dataset, dict): # deal with dataset pass elif check_data and not isinstance(dataset, Data): raise TypeError( f"The dataset contains values other than gigaanalyis.Data " f"objects. Contained {type(dataset)}. To turn off this check " f"set check_data to False.") else: return dataset # For recursion if isinstance(apply_key, list): # if apply_key a list if len(apply_key) == 0: raise ValueError( f"The apply_key list was not as deep as the nested dataset.") apply_list = apply_key[1:] apply_key = apply_key[0] else: apply_list = None if apply_key is None: # check apply_key apply_key = lambda x: x if apply_list is None: apply_list = apply_key elif callable(apply_key): if apply_list is None: apply_list=apply_key else: raise TypeError( f"apply_key needs to be callable or a list of callable " f"functions but was {type(apply_key)}") if isinstance(sort_key, list): # if sort_ley a list if len(sort_key) == 0: raise ValueError( f"The sort_key list was not as deep as the nested dataset.") sort_list = sort_key[1:] sort_key = sort_key[0] else: sort_list = None if sort_key is None: # check sort_key pass elif sort_key == "pass": sort_key = lambda x: 0 if sort_list is None: sort_list = sort_key elif callable(sort_key): if sort_list is None: sort_list = sort_key else: raise TypeError( f"sort_key needs to be callable or a list of callable " f"functions but was {type(sort_key)}") # edit key and preform recursion on included data dataset = { apply_key(key):sort_dset(dat, apply_list, sort_list, check_data) \ for key, dat in dataset.items()} # Sort by key and return sorted_keys = sorted(dataset.keys(), key=sort_key) dataset = {key:dataset[key] for key in sorted_keys} return dataset